Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

One word that describes these last 2 weeks would probably have to be, craziness. About the 14th our electric went out because of the hurricane, Ike, that made a crazy wind storm and blew down trees and a bunch of other crap everywhere. I didn't have electric back till that next Saturday which was the 20th. Let me tell you, we take power so much for grantit its not even funny. Two of those nights I stayed at my friend Robert's house and we had some good ol' times. But this past week I had to get the newspaper at my school finished and that was pretty hectic. But overall a pretty good week other than stinkin homework and stuff. I got voted most sense of humor or as I like to call it "class clown" lol. I don't know how I got it but I did lol. So we took our superlative pictures this week of everyone and what they won. Mrs. Porterfield has been using me a lot for taking pictures and stuff and I love it! My new camera is probably the best thing I have ever bought ever! I can't wait till Christmas and stuff when my parents buy me a new lens or hope they do. That's that only thing I'm asking for this year so I think they will. Anyways besides that, Friday night I went to the EL football game and they finally won their first game in I think it was 15 games but I'm not sure. Trust me it was a lot. So that was good. Well tonight, or I guess I should say today, Sunday, was a really good night! Yesterday morning I got up and just got ready for everything for homecoming and went out and got my car washed and got the corsage for Lisa and I was pretty much set. Went home got a shower and ironed my stuff and headed out the door. This picture to the left is one of the pictures I have from before we left. The dance was really fun and I had a good time meeting up with everyone again and just being with friends. Well 20 mins before homecoming was supposed to be over, well actually I should say it was over, one of the speakers blew out and then we were told it was officially over lol. So we headed home, got dressed and headed out the door for something to eat. After that we went to Bria's house for some "fun" but not the fun I had in mind. But I won't get into the discussion about that lol. From there we went to Lisa's and dispersed. But I stopped at someone's house on the way that is special to me =] and we talked for a bit. Oh and btw I got asked to prom already by Bit and she wants something green so idk lol. But after I stopped at my friends I got home and now I'm typing this blog. This is the biggest blog I've ever written, or typed or whatever lol. Well I'm real tired and gotta go to church in the morning so I'll be back very soon to write more. Tootles!
- "But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." - James 4:6
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