Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sooo late!

WOW, what a crazy couple weeks this has been!!! Its been wonderful but very overwhelming! So first of all I WISH I HAD A NEW LENS! Becauseee...I went to see John McCain Friday the 31st and i got blurry shots because I need that VR lens! Also I went to see one of my favorite bands, Relient K, that night and of course 450 out of the 500 I took came out blurry! But I shouldn't complain because I got a couple of good shots out of them at least and also I'm lucky to have this camera. I think this week has been my favorite week ever so far! The first thing was the Journalism class went to YSU for Press Day and Mr. Bobby was there and I took the online seminar. I was soooo glad I took it! I mean it really didn't teach us much about putting it online but I got to publish one of my photo's on the Tribune Chronicle's website! My group also made a video on the Broadcast class we had to get info on. They even played the video when we all met up at the end of the day! It was a great day overall! Then I finally got my report done this week, and it took forever! But nonetheless its done. But Friday was a really good day. I woke up at 5:15 and went to Chelsea's and Hannah was already there and we went to the McCain Rally in Hanoverton at United High School. It was great just seeing the man that I would be voting for, if I was old enough, and got some great pictures of him! After about 3 hours of that we left and went back to Chelsea's to get changed and eat. After that we went back to school but I was only there till 6th period which really didn't make any sense. I made my way up to Malone to see my brother and Jarryd and we hung out for a bit then headed off with Ricki and Wendy to the Relient K concert!! We got to the House of Blues in Cleveland and wow, it was great! The first couple bands before Relient K were real good! I think they were House of Heroes, Providence, and Ludo. But Relient K came out and oh my gosh, AMAZING! They always put on a good show every time I see them. They just get better and better every time! After the concert we stayed cuz Ricki "thought" she threw away her license but she didn't and we spend 20 mins looking for it but it was good that we did because we met Matt Hoopes, guitarist of Relient K! Then we just went back to Malone and pretty much went to bed cuz we were tired but I wanted to watch The Strangers but I was up at 5 so that wouldn't have worked out. Then I stayed for a couple hours Saturday to help Jarryd with his nursing stuff and then left for Boardman. I got there and met Megan, Andrew, Michael, Kate and some others from their church. We went to a movie, Wall-E and it was awesome the second time around! After the movie some of us went to Cici's pizza and ate dinner and then to Barnes and Nobles and Megan and I talked for a bit and it was a good time =] I walked her over to Old Navy and we said our goodbyes. I left for home and watched a movie and was happy about the time change. So today was not that exciting but I got to talk to Megan and some others and it all worked out. I have nothing else to say I guess...but I gotta go to bed so till the next time we meet, si-o-nara!

- “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”- 1 Peter 2:9
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1 comment:

sphoto said...

LOVE the pic of Megan, Sammy...